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Myths about Back Pain

October 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — willschiroteam @ 5:16 pm

Man holding back in painEveryone has story to tell about the time they hurt their back. And while these people mean well, their tales of woe may not exactly help your back pain. What you need are the facts. Read on to find what’s myth and what’s fact about back pain.

Back Pain Can Lead to Paralysis

Myth. The spinal cord ends in the upper portion of your low back or lumbar region. Tough nerve roots are located further down the low back. In the vast majority of cases, even severe back pain does not often indicate the possibility of paralysis. Some rare examples of when paralysis may be a risk are spine tumors, spinal infections and unstable spine fractures.

Severe Pain Indicates Damage

Myth. If your back has been hurting for more than six weeks, then you do have chronic back pain. However, this does not correlate to greater damage to you back. With proper treatment from a chiropractor, pain can be alleviated and damage averted.

Physically Active People Don’t Get Back Pain

Myth. People who are in good shape are less likely to experience back pain than those who are couch potatoes. However, back pain is an equal opportunity problem that can affect you regardless of your level of activity. Naturally, there are some sports that lend themselves to a greater incidence of back pain, such as golf and gymnastics. For everyone though, back conditioning can be helpful because your back is the stable platform for arms and legs to move during a workout.

The Spine is Delicate

Myth. Your spine is actually quite strong. Surrounded by muscles, tendons and ligaments, the spine is also flexible and supportive. Yes, you should practice conditioning exercises for your back including strength and flexibility training and aerobic workouts. For the most part, you don’t need to baby your back once you’ve recovered from typical back pain. The exception to this is when you might have an unstable spinal fracture.

With Age Comes Back Pain

Myth. Studies show that most people experience back pain between the ages of 35 and 55. After age 55, people typically have less back pain, especially that caused by disc problems. Disc degeneration is part of the aging process, but it does not necessarily lead to pain.

A Chiropractor Can Help with Back Pain

Fact. If you are experiencing back pain or if you want to know how to prevent this problem, see your chiropractor for advice and a personalized treatment plan.


Meet the Doctor

Dr. Wills provides chiropractic care in Naples, FL. In addition to chiropractic treatments, he offers therapeutic exercise, weight loss and management, soft tissue therapy and strength and rehabilitation.

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