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Maintaining Weight Loss During the Holiday

December 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — willschiroteam @ 5:52 pm

weight loss maintained at a partyMerry Christmas! Happy New Year! Now pass the eggnog, the cookies, the chips and dip, the pie, and don’t forget a candy cane. Needless to say, maintaining weight loss during the holiday season can be a challenge with so many tempting treats on the table. However, there are steps you can take to keep the pounds off and still enjoy. Here’s some advice from Naples chiropractor Dr. Chad Wills.

Balance Eating with Exercise

You may be taking a break from work or school, but the holidays are not the time to take a vacation from exercise. Be sure to stay active. The holiday season is a great time to engage in family fitness fun, ranging from going for a brisk walk together or a friendly game of tag football. Whatever you do, don’t just sit on the couch and veg.

Eat Your Vegetables

Speaking of veg—vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, which will give you a feeling of fullness. Of course, most holiday treats aren’t loaded with fiber. Therefore, you need to conscientiously choose foods that are high in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes.

Maintain Weight Loss with Protein

Most of those favorite holiday foods are filled with carbohydrates, but it’s important to include protein in your diet, too. Just like fiber, protein promotes fullness and helps you avoid weight gain. Protein can even decrease your hunger so you eat less. On the other hand, protein increases your metabolism, burning more calories throughout the day. There is protein in lean meats, poultry, fish, quinoa and beans.

Don’t Decline Dessert, But…

Saying no to every dessert is next to impossible during the holidays. The key is not to overindulge. In other words, you really don’t need that second slice of pie or cake. And instead of trying a taste of everything, choose to eat your favorites and forego the rest. Be sure to savor each bite for a more satisfying treat.

Be the Designated Driver

Want to really save some calories? Volunteer to be the designated driver. Then you won’t be able to drink alcoholic beverages that pack calories. If you’re trying to maintain weight loss, then it’s best to stay away from beer, wine, mixed drinks and soda and other sweetened beverages. Your waistline and your friends will thank you.

The Diet Starts Today

“My diet starts tomorrow.” How many times have we all told ourselves that? The problem is there will always be another tomorrow. So start your diet today and stick with it through the holidays. If you slip up today, then you can make up for it tomorrow. Keep your weight goal in mind and enjoy the holiday season.

If you need more help with weight loss and management, Wills Chiropractic will be glad to help.


Meet the Doctor

Dr. Chad Wills is a chiropractor in Naples, FL. In addition to weight loss and management, Wills Chiropractic also offers chiropractic treatment, therapeutic exercises, strength and rehab and soft tissue laser therapy. Call to schedule an appointment.

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