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Enjoy Life Again with Back Pain Treatment

October 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — willschiroteam @ 8:32 pm

man pressing neck and backLife is wonderful! But if you suffer from back pain every day, then enjoying life’s little pleasures—to say nothing of milestones—can be next to impossible. Fortunately, there is a solution. Your chiropractor offers several back pain treatments to help you get into the game of life again. The therapy that is right for you will depend on why your back hurts. Read on to learn more about chiropractic care for your back.

Multidisciplinary Treatment of Pain

A chiropractor can use one or a combination of approaches to treat back pain. There are chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy and strength training and exercise. A comprehensive treatment of your pain is the goal.

Your chiropractor can treat many causes of lower back pain including:

  • A pinched nerve
  • Muscle spasm
  • The aches and pains of pregnancy
  • Radiculopathy, or pressure on a nerve root
  • Sciatica pain, which starts in your lower back and then travels down one or both legs

Causes of Back Pain

A delicate balance of muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons make up your back and spine. Within the spine’s vertebrae, there are also cartilage-like pads called disks. These provide cushioning between vertebrae. With so many interworking parts, is it any wonder that your back is susceptible to painful injury?

A common form of injury is a strain to a muscle or ligament. This can be the consequence of an awkward movement or muscle spasm. Using your back instead of your legs to lift something heavy can also lead to a strain.

A structural problem of the spine can also lead to pain. No doubt you’ve heard of ruptured or bulging disk. In either case, there is likely to be pressure placed on the nearby nerve, which can be very painful. Nerve pressure can also cause sciatica, a sharp pain that begins in your lower back and radiates down one or both legs. Osteoporosis, arthritis and a curvature of the spine can also be a reason for back pain.

Finally, your back might hurt because of normal daily activities. Bending down, sitting for too long, coughing or sneezing and poor posture can all contribute to back pain.

Treating Your Back Pain

In many cases, a chiropractor will need to focus treatment on both the muscles of your back and your nervous system in order to relieve pain. Personalized care, spinal adjustment, as well as therapeutic exercises may all be employed to improve stabilization and prevent aggravating any possible back injury. The goal is to eliminate your pain and restore your spine’s mobility without the need for medication.

Don’t live with back pain. Enjoy life! Call your chiropractor today. Relief could be around the corner after only a few appointments.


Meet the Doctor

Dr. Wills provides chiropractic care in Naples, FL. For back pain, he offers chiropractic treatments, therapeutic exercise, weight loss and management, soft tissue therapy and strength and rehabilitation. To get in contact with Dr. Wills, click here.

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