Tingling and Numbness? Your Chiropractor Can Help!
November 28, 2020
Everyone has felt it—that sensation of some extremity falling asleep. Maybe you slept on your arm funny and now it feels like tiny little needles are poking you as you regain feeling. Perhaps your sitting posture cut off circulation to your foot, and it’s numb to the touch.
These sensations in your extremities occur every now and then, but what if you have tingling and numbness frequently or for a prolonged period of time? Does that mean something is wrong? What can be done to alleviate your discomfort? Read on to find out more!
(more…)More Than Science Fiction: How Laser Therapy Can Stop Knee Pain
November 17, 2020
When your knees are giving you significant pain, even the little things like walking upstairs, standing up, or sitting down can stop you in your tracks. You may not be able to cure arthritis or your knee injury with a magic wand, but there is another option to lower inflammation and encourage natural healing—laser therapy.
The thought of using a laser to heal your knee can sound like something straight out of science fiction, but this technology does exist! Laser therapy can be used to bring photons and oxygen into an injured or arthritic area of the body, which promotes healing. To learn more about how this treatment works for knee pain, keep reading this blog post!