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5 Common Causes of Chronic Low Back Pain

July 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 3:31 pm
patient who suffers from low back pain

You had fun plans arranged for the weekend, but your partner is stuck in bed again because of back pain. You want to understand what they’re going through, and dealing with the pain at home isn’t working. What could be causing their lower back pain? What can be done to improve their quality of life in the long term? Read on to learn about the most common causes of chronic low back pain and how a chiropractor can bring relief.

Fractures in the Vertebrae or Injury

Whether you injure the soft or hard tissues in your back, you can feel pain in that region. More serious problems, such as vertebrae fractures are often caused by osteoporosis.

Although overuse injuries happen frequently, the pain usually subsides after a few days. Chronic pain from injuries lingers for three months or longer and need professional attention.

Herniated Disc

Your spine, which consists of more than 30 small bones, supports the entire weight of your upper body. In between the vertebrae are little cushions made of cartilage called discs that keep the bones from touching and damaging each other. Unfortunately, with age and normal wear and tear, these discs can shrink or degenerate. However, a minor injury or false move can cause the disc to bulge, putting pressure on the nerves in the spine.


Sciatica is a term for when the sciatic nerve, located near the base of the spine, is compressed. It is one of the largest nerves in your body and goes by the buttocks and extends into the legs. As a result, this condition can give you debilitating pain not only in your lower back but also in these other areas.

Spinal Stenosis

The spinal cord typically has enough space that the supporting bones and cartilage don’t touch it or the nerves around it. However, if you have a narrowing spine, the nerves at the base of your back have less room, and the bones can place pressure on them.


When the spine has an abnormal curvature to it, in a condition called scoliosis, the discs are not able to provide the shock absorption that they otherwise could. Consequently, some patients with this condition experience back in their lower back.

Regardless of the cause behind the pain, your partner can find relief with a specialist—a chiropractor. Through spinal adjustments and other techniques, they can make sure the lower back has a healthier alignment and eases the pressure on the nerves in the spine. With consistent treatment, you and your partner can live beyond chronic lower back pain and enjoy doing the things you love!

About the Author

Dr. Chad Wills has been a practicing chiropractor for more than 20 years and finds great satisfaction in helping patients reduce their pain. He is one of only chiropractors in the area who is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics, the most studied protocol in the chiropractic field. If you are experiencing low back pain, you can schedule an appointment with Dr Wills at Wills Chiropractic through his website or by calling 239-331-6060.

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