Chiropractic biophysics is a proven technique that a chiropractor uses to correct and restore your spinal alignment. The method combines the sciences of physiology, physics, and anatomy with the mathematics of geometry to pinpoint the reasons for pain or discomfort, loss of mobility, and any kind of altered health. Thus, your diagnosis and treatment is set in reliable science and chiropractic standards. Chiropractic biophysics restores proper balance. After analyzing your posture and the curvature of your spine, Dr. Wills develops a treatment plan that includes a number of tested and proven techniques of chiropractic biophysics in Naples, FL. For more information about chiropractic biophysics or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wills, please contact our chiropractic office in Naples, FL.

Why Choose Wills Chiropractic for Chiropractic Biophysics?

Why Chiropractic Biophysics is the Superior chiropractic method
Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is a research-based chiropractic method that combines chiropractic, orthopedics , and physical therapy to restore proper spinal alignment, improve posture, and optimize nervous system function for lasting health.
What Is Different About Chiropractic Biophysics?
Ordinary chiropractic aims to relieve pain as quickly as possible. In addition to that, chiropractic biophysics works to correct the problem that is causing pain. For this reason, patients often report that not only is their pain gone, but symptoms of other conditions also improve. These include:
Neck Pain
Back Pain

Why Is Posture So Important?
When your parents told you to stand up straight, they knew what they were talking about even if the admonition was not based in science. Now, correct posture forms the basis of the chiropractic biophysics method of treatment.
The curves in your spine are designed to act as levers, shock absorbers and resistance to gravity. These curves are also there to guard against and reduce the impact of forces on the spinal cord and nerve tissue. However, gravity, advancing age, poor posture, injury, disease, and incorrect physical activity can all lead to spinal misalignment that may impact your whole body.
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