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RockTape Injury Rehabilitation – Naples, FL

A Simple, Effective Solution
to Reduce Your Pain

Have you ever injured your shin and rubbed it, only to realize that that motion actually helps relieve the discomfort? Here in Naples, RockTape essentially “turns down the volume” on your pain, providing successful interference to the troubling signals that are trying to reach your brain. Many customers are so amazed that they even consider it magic! Contact Wills Chiropractic to learn more about how RockTape injury rehabilitation from our Naples, FL chiropractor could help or if you’re ready to schedule your first consultation with Dr. Chad Wills. Our practice welcomes patients from Orangetree, FL and other surrounding neighborhoods.

Why Choose Wills Chiropractic for RockTape Injury Rehabilitation?

  • Caring Team of
  • Highly Trained
  • UniqueTreatment Plan
    for Each Patient

Reduces Swelling/Inflammation

Chiropractor placing rock tape to reduce swelling and inflammation

Once it’s been applied directly to the skin, RockTape creates a microscopic lifting effect that removes the by-products that inflammation creates at a much faster pace.

Normalizes Muscle Tone

Chiropractor placing rock tape to normalize muscle tone

The actions of all your muscles resemble a symphony; however, when the patient is experiencing injury, fatigue, or illness, it’s all too easy for this system to fall out of tune. In fact, studies have shown that people who sprain an ankle tend to also experience an alteration in their hip muscle’s normal activity. RockTape provides valuable aid by helping the dormant muscle come back to life while calming down other muscles that might be acting up. This allows your body to function as it did before, facilitating proper healing in turn.

Delays Fatigue

Chiropractor placing rock tape to delay fatigue

During rehabilitation, it’s very normal for the parts of your body that aren’t currently injured to essentially pick up the slack for the affected muscles. The use of RockTape can help reduce any fatigue they experience for added comfort and success.

Better Distributes Physical Stress

Chiropractor placing rock tape to better distribute physical stress

While conventional taping can prevent and restrict necessary movement, RockTape’s elastic properties and range of recoil virtually eliminates this problem. Its use can comfortably distribute forces to other nearby areas of the body as well, including the ligaments and bones.

Ready to Get Started? Request an Appointment